IHealth: May 30th Update – A Must-Read!

What you need to know:

Go-Live Date for Royal Jubilee Hospital is June 8, 2024

EHR Lab changes and enhancements successfully implemented

Laboratory changes in orders and order sets were successfully implemented in the electronic health record (EHR) May 24-25 as part of the NRGH IHealth Uplift. The upgrade at NRGH has significantly improved how Lab Medicine operations delivers phlebotomy service to our patients and prepares us for future regional activations of CPOE.

Introduction of regional order sets begins this week

This week, regionally harmonized order sets will start to be introduced into the EHR system. The first order sets scheduled for release are the surgery, procedural and anesthesiology order sets starting May 29. All other order sets will be gradually introduced in advance of the June 8 Go-Live for RJH.

View Index of Changes to Order Sets for details on which order sets have undergone name changes, content changes, or which have been retired.

Education remuneration payments delayed and CME credits available

Apologies to medical staff who experienced a delay in remuneration payment for their completed CPOE/EHR education. We are working to ensure this process is improved for future payments.

As a reminder, medical staff will be remunerated at non-clinical sessional rates for six hours of their CPOE training. Providers are compensated after all education activities are completed. Payment is expected within six weeks of both virtual and in-person training.

Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits will be offered once all education activities are completed. A post education survey will be sent and upon completion of the survey the credits will be issued.

New Band-Aid desktop tool connects you to support

“Band-Aid” is a new desktop support tool designed to help staff request quick, at-the-elbow support directly from their desktop computer during IHealth Go-Live events. Look for the Band-Aid widget at the top of your computer screen. Learn more about it here [PDF]. 


What you need to do:

Complete mandatory education for Go-Live readiness

  • Virtual Facilitated Classroom Education (via Zoom).
  • In-Person Workflow Reviews. These sessions focus on your specific area of patient care, using case scenarios and practicing your CPOE training.

Medical staff scheduled for work at RJH June 8 who have not completed their education will not be able to place orders for patient care. If you have not already done so, please register immediately by calling the Provider Education and Experience (ProEX) team at 250-713-0484, or email ihealtheducation@islandhealth.ca.


Drop in to Engagement Labs for 1-on-1 CPOE teaching and practice

Many medical staff have commented on the value of receiving 1-on-1 training with a ProEX member. There is an opportunity to go into greater detail and answer specific questions around how to use CPOE tools with your specialized workflow.

Drop in to the Engagement Labs from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday for 1-on-1 teaching, practice and support from the ProEX team.

  • RJH Engagement Lab: Royal Block 203
  • VGH Engagement Lab: S275, next to physician lounge


How we’re making progress:

RJH walk-through provides assurances for device quantities

A device walk-through was performed at RJH on May 23 with Dr. Brian McArdle, Dr. Pooya Kazemi and Melanie Cyr, Director of Clinical Operations at the site. Medical staff should be reassured that there will be enough computers, printers, scanners and other necessary devices for a successful CPOE launch. Medical consultants who go to the ED will be happy to hear that an area with 10 net new computers will be ready for use by June 8.  While physically present, some of the recently added devices are not yet functional but will be up and running just prior to Go-Live. Any remaining concerns about devices can be relayed to Dr. Eric Shafonsky and Dr. Pooya Kazemi.

Success stories from sites: RJH, VGH and NRGH

  • Congratulations to all those involved in bringing the activation of our Laboratory enhancements live in the EHR system on May 24-25. And thank you to the NRGH physicians who were the first to fully experience the new platform in their CPOE environment.
  • NRGH successfully completed an upgrade to the Anesthesia order set module May 10-12. The upgrade was completed without incident, and further supports our readiness for South Island Go-Live. Users of the new system have reported positive feedback.
  • RJH Endoscopy completed an upgrade on the May 4 weekend to their documentation practices, completing the transition to full functionality. The upgrade was a success.
  • The Site Capacity Working Group comprised of regional operational leaders are actively refocusing their preparation work to support the RJH Go-Live given the difficult decision to delay the VGH Go-Live. Thank you to leaders for the patience and professionalism shown during this transition.



IHealth Medical Staff webpage

What’s Changing for Medical Staff – one-pager [PDF]

My IHealth Journey for Medical Staff [PDF]



If you have feedback, questions or concerns regarding the IHealth project, please contact:

  • Pooya Kazemi, IHealth Medical Site Lead, RJH – ph. 250-857-1670
  • Kellie Whitehill, IHealth Medical Site Lead, VGH – ph. 250-217-4995
  • Eric Shafonsky, Associate Chief Medical Information Officer – ph. 250-516-7234
  • Email cmioihealthoffice@islandhealth.ca

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