The Trust Initiative is a provincial- level research project that one of the Island Health researcher/scientific advisors that works with the Quality portfolio is running. They are particularly looking for the physician voice – please consider completing a 10 minute survey to ensure they have it! Link here:
What is The Trust Initiative?
The Trust Initiative is a collaborative research project on the topic of healthcare worker trust in the healthcare system – and how this trust was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Why was The Trust Initiative created?
During the pandemic, public trust and trust within healthcare fluctuated. As the health sector rebounds from the pandemic, this initiative is about finding ways to strengthen trust, and to support the skilled, professional and empathetic people who work in healthcare.
Who is conducting this study?
Post-Doctoral fellow Dr. Nickolas Cherwinski, is a social and behavioural scientist serving as a Scientific Advisor in the BC healthcare system. His expertise includes public policy, public governance, implementation and evaluation sciences, research ethics and methodologies, and conflict facilitation. His fellowship is funded by SWITCH BC; supervised by co-investigators Drs. Lorelei Newton, and Lenora Marcellus of the University of Victoria School of Nursing; and substantively supported by NNPBC.