A Word from the President

Executive Positions Complete It is with great pleasure that I let everyone know that Dr. John Galbraith has been co-opted as Director-at-Large, taking on the task of supporting the Quality Improvement initiatives of SIFEI.  This bring our executive back up to the legally required number of 5, and allows us […]

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Celebrating Successes!

The phenomenal work being undertaken by MSA Physicians and partners is celebrated in many ways: The Island Quality Showcase will be held on April 25th in Nanaimo. Come learn about different QI and Engagement activities happening on Vancouver Island.  For more information, contact info@southislandmsa.ca Our weekly Success Stories are published […]

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Success Story: Multi-Disciplinary Clinic at BCCA

Dr. Jennifer Goulart wanted to create a multidisciplinary clinic to support specific genitourinary cancer patient populations.  She believed that care for those requiring advanced multimodality treatment would be improved when delivered through a single clinic consisting of a multidisciplinary team of Urologists, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Oncologists, and a Nurse Practitioner. […]

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