GoldStar Awards – Summer 2024

The wonderful stories just keep coming!

Dr. Chris Taylor has been nominated by Dr. Lisa Moddemann, with support by Dr. Ali Yahkshi Tafti and Dr. Jill Kelly

As shared by Dr. Moddemann, “Dr. Taylor was in the department late at night seeing his own patient. He overheard the trouble I was having getting in touch with the on-call team for a nec fasc case (they were in the OR) and just came on over and took ownership of the consult. With kindness and consideration for the complexities of the case, he had really tough discussions with the patient and his family, all while not actually being on call, just to help in a difficult situation. Huge thanks to him for being a stellar supportive colleague.”

Dr. Iman Zandieh has been recognized by Dr. Vanessa Young.

Dr. Young writes, “Shout out to our GI service, and Dr. Zandieh specifically. I referred a patient to him on July 10. She’s having a flexible sigmoidoscopy on July 19. Proof that some parts of our system are working well! Best part is that in my initial haste, I’d forgotten to get the stool culture before referring, and Dr. Zandieh calls me to ask me to order it, copy him on it, and he’d assess her asap if negative. Bam.”

Many thanks to Drs. Moddemann, Yahkshi Tafti, Kelly, and Young for their thoughtful nominations, and to Drs. Taylor and Zandieh for their collegiality and professionalism!  We are lucky to have all of you as part of our community!

If you’re a physician who would like to nominate someone for a GoldStar award, please share their name and your story with us at

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