Physicians wanted: Focus Groups regarding Psychological and Physical Safety

Doctors of BC is prioritizing psychological and physical safety for physicians and conducting work under the Memorandum of Agreement. Along with our region’s nominated physician representative (Dr. Daisy Dulay, Cardiology, Victoria), I am implementing projects under the MOA as your Regional Advisor and Advocate. Island Health is aware of this work as a signatory on the MOA and is supportive of its goals to improve psychological safety for physicians at work.

We are seeking physicians to participate in 90 min focus groups Fall 2020. We are looking to hear from physicians who may fall into one of the following three groups:

  1. Physicians who have experience and/or knowledge of EMSS and disciplinary procedures,
  2. Physicians who have little or no knowledge of EMSS and disciplinary procedures, and
  3. Physicians who have supported a colleague as a “peer support” through EMSS and/or disciplinary procedures.

Groups will not exceed five physician participants per focus group and will be completed via Zoom. All information will be anonymized and focus groups will be led by me with support from Erica Kjekstad, Project Manager for South Island MSA, for data recording. All responses provided in the focus groups will remain confidential. Compensation for physician time will be through Doctors of BC and will not be directly linked to this project. The project aims to obtain representation from each of the 11 MSA sites.

If you would like more information or would like to put your name forward to participate, please contact me at or by phone: 250-889-0209.

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